Episode 9 - Bleak Futures

Jes and Erin discuss Travolta's Battlefield Earth and Cage’s Humanity Bureau. Both movies involve mankind's doom. Both movies ALSO are pretty confusing. Which actor/movie will win the Face/Off against all odds?!?!

This episode is brought to you by HelloHumanity. Dystopian dinner is served!

Thanks Jeff Neckers for your designs and Jon Crosswhite for your jams! Also, thanks John Travolta and Nicolas Cage. We love analyzing your films. 

Episode 8 - Women are Terrifying

Jes and Erin discuss Travolta's Carrie and Cage’s Mandy. Both movies are frightening and cover cults, the paranormal, and BLOOD. Which film and actor will win the Face/Off?

This episode is brought to you by SpiritualSpace: Construct it Creepy.

Thanks Jeff Neckers for your designs and Jon Crosswhite for your jams! Also, thanks John Travolta and Nicolas Cage. We love analyzing your films.

Episode 7 - Good Bad Good Boys

Jes and Erin discuss Travolta's Swordfish and Cage’s Con Air. Each movie involves a Good Bad Good Boy! Which film and actor will win the Face/Off?

This episode is brought to you by Southwest Airlines Infotainment and Wifi. There are so many ways to access entertainment and illegally steal information on your flight!

Thanks Jeff Neckers for your designs and Jon Crosswhite for your jams! Also, thanks John Travolta and Nicolas Cage. We love analyzing your films.

Episode 6 - All the Cool Kids Are Watching It

Jes and Erin discuss Travolta's Pulp Fiction and Cage’s Adaptation. Both movies are well crafted and their respective actors shine, but only one film wins the Face/Off this week.

This episode is brought to you by Cult Class Pass. Wish you could dip your toes in every cult your area has to offer? Cult Class Pass is a great way to experience every group’s rites and rituals without having to sacrifice too much of your time.

Thanks Jeff Neckers for your designs and Jon Crosswhite for your jams! Also, thanks John Travolta and Nicolas Cage. We love analyzing your films.

Episode 5 - The Art of Forgery and Family

Jes and Erin discuss Travolta's The Forger and Cage’s Matchstick Men. Both movies seem to be about guys trying to be more vulnerable with their children… while they steal from others. Cool!

This episode is brought to you by Scotfree&Me. Need to know more about how your DNA compels you or your loved ones to swindle other people? Scotfree&Me has you covered.

Thanks Jeff Neckers for your designs and Jon Crosswhite for your jams! Also, thanks John Travolta and Nicolas Cage. We love analyzing your films.

Episode 4 - High School Hijinks

Jes and Erin discuss Travolta's Grease and Cage's Valley Girl and the odd ways teen culture is portrayed in film. Also, masculinity is often defined by fighting, cars and sports. Weird!

This episode is brought to you by Valley Grease. Valley Grease! We’re here… for your hair.

Thanks Jeff Neckers for your designs and Jon Crosswhite for your jams! Also, thanks John Travolta and Nicolas Cage.

Episode 3 - Stealing from the USA

Jes and Erin talk about Travolta's Broken Arrow and Cage's National Treasure. They also draw some comparisons between Broken Arrow and a previously reviewed film, Cage's The Rock.

Special thanks to Jeff Neckers for design and troubleshooting, Jon Crosswhite for the music, and John Travolta and Nicolas Cage for the acting.

This episode of the podcast is brought to you by CrewRecruiter. CrewRecruiter… get it together.

Episode 1 - Urban Terrorism Averted

Erin and Jes embark on their first official episode, pitting Travolta's From Paris with Love against Cage's The Rock. Spoiler Alert: Most plots and themes of these stories will be revealed. Give these movies a watch before you listen and get ready for some commentary on explosions.

Special thanks to Jeff Neckers for troubleshooting, Jonathan Crosswhite for the tunes, Tom Shane of the Shane Company for having a progressive stance on engagement, and of course John Travolta and Nicolas Cage for all the acting.